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Imagine having to write the most important speech you may ever write at the most difficult time of your life...
Yet, that’s when most eulogies and obituaries are written.
Well, we (you and I) are about to change that and create stories you want to be remembered for. We’ll laugh, we’ll cry, we’ll go down memory lane together to put together stories that will last. We’ll take the pressure off your loved ones who will just want to get it right. Just as wills are prepared ‘in case’, with updates at different milestones, so now you can have your own life-resume ready for posterity.
Only you know what and who mattered to you most. Which means you’ll get the facts straight.
It’s a final gift to those who love and know you. It’s comforting for them to hear your “voice”.
You’ll feel good about how far you’ve come and as you revise it, you’ll see how your priorities keep evolving.
You never know when your time will come. Maybe you want to include some guidance or words of wisdom, and can leave something to aspire towards, perhaps in the form of a letter.​
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